Stages of Formation
The Inquiry Stage is an informal period of time in which you meet with the Vocation Minister and visit the community to explore your interest in religious life and might be called to this community.
During the Affiliation Stage you meet regularly with the Vocation Minister to discern whether you are called to life in this community.
During Postulancy you live as part of the community in order to further discern your call.
The Novitiate is a year-long period of contemplation, prayer, and study.
The years following Temporary Profession are a time to enter more deeply into the experience of monastic vowed commitment and to develop a rhythm of prayer, community, and ministry.
Final Profession begins your life-long commitment to seek God according to the Gospel and the Rule of Benedict with the members of the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago.
What is more delightful than this voice of the Lord calling to us? See how the Lord in his love shows us the way of life.
-Rule of Benedict, Prologue
Please note, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago will not be recruiting or accepting new members at this time. However, we will continue to assist anyone discerning ministry in the church in any way possible.