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Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Archives Mission

Our official records and personal papers are collected, maintained, and preserved by the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Archives in order to provide our community and the wider public with research and educational resources. The Archives preserve the historical record of our monastic life of community, prayer, and service. We believe that using the Archives will strengthen peoples' faith and understanding of God's presence in the world.


Archivist: Sister Virginia Jung, OSB   
                   St. Scholastica Monastery
                   7430 N. Ridge Blvd.
                   Chicago, IL  60645 


                   (773) 764-2413  extension 203

                   Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm, by appointment


Archives Advisory Group: Sister Virginia Jung, OSB, (Archivist); Sister Mary Susan Remsgar, OSB; Colleen Mullarkey; Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB; and Sister Susan Quaintance, OSB.


Link to Archives:


Policies and Procedures:

The Users Guide

Appendix A-Research Application

Appendix B-Reference Policy

Digital Preservation Policy

Shelves with grey archival boxes

Sisters' papers and other materials are stored in archival boxes. To see what has been catalogued, visit the archive online. 

Featured Projects

Useful Links


ABA American Benedictine Academy -


CARA   Chicago Area Religious Archivists -


MAC   Midwest Archives Conference


Royal Gorge Regional Museum & History Center -


​Archival Resources for Catholic Collections -


Women Religious History Resources: A Digital Guide to Repositories in North America



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