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Corporate Stances


"It is our responsibility to take a corporate stance on important issues because of the power we have as a community." ~ From the Constitution of the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago (“Call to Life”, Appendix C – 5).


Against Exorbitant Military Spending


The Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, as a community, endorse The Time Has Come to Drop Our Stones, a statement from the Leaders of Catholic Religious Communities, about a campaign to "end exorbitant military spending in order to provide for the unmet needs of our nation's people". (March 18, 2001)


Against the Death Penalty


The community voted and approved the corporate stance against the death penalty at the Chapter meeting held on December 9, 2001.


Against Torture


According to the United Nations Torture Convention of 1984, torture entails deliberate infliction of pain by a person of power to acquire information from another person. In light of our stated mission of reverence, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago oppose any form of torture. We commit ourselves to learning about the practice of torture in the world today and to work to end its use. (2010 Summer Chapter)


Against Human Trafficking


Human trafficking, the transfer of another human being by means of force, deception or consent for the purpose of exploitation, is a sinful violation of human dignity. The Benedictine Sisters of Chicago oppose all forms of human trafficking. We commit ourselves to learning about the practice of trafficking in the world today and to work to end its use. (2010 Summer Chapter)




Root Causes of Injustice

"Grounded in our belief that action on behalf of justice is a constitutive element of the Gospel, we, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, affirm the interrelatedness of the justice concerns addressed by our recent assembly resolutions. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we commit ourselves to examine the root causes of injustice, particularly racism, and our own complicity as congregations and to work to effect systemic change as we struggle to establish economic justice, abolish modern-day slavery, ensure immigrant rights, promote nonviolence, and protect Earth and its biosphere. We pledge prayer, education, and advocacy and commit to using our collective voice, resources, and power in collaboration with others to establish justice which reflects God's abundant love and desire that all may have life." (This 2018 statement recommits the LCWR membership to going deeper into the critical work of the 2016 Assembly Resolution).


In Support of Immigrants

We, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, stand as a corporate body in support of comprehensive immigration reform, which seeks to restore basic rights to persons who come to the United States to work and/or feed their families. We approve policies which guarantee that the family unit is not destroyed and which defend persons on the move for reasons of persecution and war. We commit ourselves to prayer, to attentiveness to local and national policies and their implementation, and, as we find it possible, to support actions aimed at promoting the dignity and well being of those seeking the opportunity for productive lives in our nation. (2013)


LCWR Statement on Sexual Abuse by Clergy

We, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago hope you take the time to read the LCWR Statement on Sexual Abuse by Clergy. We affirm and commit to pray and work for healing for victims and for our church and for the work for transformation so needed in our times. (August 2018)


LCWR Statement on the Sexual Abuse of Sisters by Clergy

We, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago affirm the following LCWR Statement on the Sexual Abuse of Sisters by Clergy. We continue to commit to pray and work for healing for victims and for our church and for the work for transformation so needed in our times. (February 2019)


LCWR Statement Calls for the Welcome and Humane Treatment of Arriving Migrants and LCWR Calls for Protection of Immigrants.

We, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, want to reaffirm, in the spirit of hospitality, that as a welcoming community, we continue to welcome and support immigrants seeking asylum.  Furthermore, as LCWR members, we affirm these recent statements by LCWR:

                                       LCWR Statement Calls for the Welcome and Humane Treatment of Arriving Migrants 

                                       LCWR Calls for Protection of Immigrants.


Faith Statement on Escalating Violence with Iran

We, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago affirm the following "Faith Statement on Escalating Violence with Iran": "As communities of faith, [and  as Leadership Conference of Women Religious members] we renounce the escalation of violence, and call on the United States to work towards lasting peace with Iran." Read the full statement here.


Statement Affirming LCWR and NBSC's Statement Condemning the Killing of George Floyd

We, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, endorse the following statement issued by The National Black Sisters’ Conference (NBSC) found here and affirm The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) statement that "strongly condemns the police-killing of another black man on the streets of our nation," found here.


Statement Affirming the Supreme Court's Decision in favor of DACA

As Benedictine women, whose stated mission is REVERENCE, we join with the countless people affirming the Supreme Court's decision that prevents the current Administration from ending the DACA program. We celebrate that families can be kept together, lives will be protected,  and those who have lived for years now in uncertainty can go forward with plans for their future educational pursuits and career aspirations. We will continue to support actions that will provide permanent solutions. We also affirm The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) statement that expresses gratitude "that the Supreme Court struck down President Trump’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The Court’s ruling safeguards the right of 700,000 DACA recipients to live and work in the country that is their home."


Statement Affirming Repair Our Democracy by LCWR

We the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, as members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, stand with the other more than 1300 leaders of Catholic sisters nationwide as we make this statement:

"The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) joins with the world in praying for peace after witnessing the violence and lawlessness yesterday in our nation’s capital. We are deeply concerned about the state of our country and the future of our democracy. Our hearts ached as we watched these despicable actions that threaten not only to destroy the seat of our government but to rend the bonds that unite us. We commend and thank the members of Congress who courageously continued their service to the nation last night even amid the chaos.

In our increasingly divided nation, we renew our commitment to the common good and pledge to take up the challenge to use our energy to repair our democracy and contribute to the work of building a more perfect union. We invite all people of good will to join us and we call on our elected leaders to point the way."


Read the full statement Repair Our Democracy


Statement in Support of “God Is On Your Side” and LGBT Youth

As Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, our stated mission is Reverence which commits us “to find and honor God present in each person and in all created things”.  For over 1500 years, the recognition of God present in every individual has been an essential characteristic of the Benedictine way of life. As women of Saint Scholastica Monastery in Chicago, therefore, we support the recent statement, “God Is On Your Side,” by twelve U.S. Catholic Bishops who gave their support of at-risk LGBT youth and the work of the Tyler Clementi Foundation.


Statement regarding the conclusion of the George Floyd murder trial

The Benedictine Sisters of Chicago are grateful that justice prevailed in the trial following the murder of George Floyd. Our sincere sympathies and prayers are with George Floyd, his family, and other victims of injustice. We continue also to hold in prayer those who serve and protect the members of our communities that they may continue to do so with integrity and peace. In our prayer and work, we strive to serve where there is need, and especially in our efforts to live in the spirit of love and grace for the whole human family. We are mindful of the urgent need in our society to respect all persons and work toward a better and more just community for all. May we commit to this in the spirit of peace.


Statement on the mass killing in Buffalo: Violence and White Supremacy Cannot Stand

We the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, as members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, stand with the other more than 1300 leaders of Catholic sisters nationwide as we make this statement:


"Our hearts are breaking as we once again come face to face with the racial hatred and gun violence that infect our land. The members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious extend their condolences to the Buffalo community and all who lost loved ones, friends, and neighbors and we say once more violence and white supremacy cannot stand.  And we know that is not enough!


Racism is a virus, every bit as deadly as COVID-19, that has infected our nation since its inception and until we address it, people of color will continue to die, and our nation will continue to bleed. Racism, whether the institutional racism which privileges some at the expense of others or the daily acts of hate and discrimination, diminishes us all. It denies that most profound truth, that all of us are created in God’s image and each of us is entitled to lives of dignity and respect.


As women religious in a predominantly white organization, we recognize how we have been privileged. We lament our silence in the face of white supremacist ideology, and we acknowledge our complicity in institutional racism. We ask forgiveness of our sisters and brothers of color, and we pray for our nation’s healing.  And we know that is not enough!" 


Read the full statement: Violence and White Supremacy Cannot Stand


Statement of Ecological Commitment

 We commit ourselves as Benedictines to practice the value of stewardship and honoring the sacredness of all creation.


We commit ourselves to ecological conversion by joining with others to foster the earth’s human and natural environment.


We commit ourselves to discern and implement an action plan to work for the healing of our common home.


We commit ourselves to practice integral ecology, a vision of the world that includes respect for creation and an emphasis on our mutual respect for one another and creation.


We commit ourselves to ecological education, to provide opportunities for our publics to learn about the severity of the climate crisis and opportunities to engage in action and advocacy for a sustainable future.



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