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Thank you Sponsors and Attendees of the
28th Annual Testimonial Dinner & Awards!

Chicago, Illinois
Judith Borchers 1972-1980
Judith Murphy, OSB 1980-1990

Antonia Bouillette, PhD 1990-1995
Judith Zonsius, OSB 1996-2003
Anne Matz, oblSB 2003-2009
Colleen Brewer, EdD 2011-2012
Lynne Farmer, EdD 2012-2013

Thank you sponsors for your generosity!

​Cañon City, Colorado
Karen Bland, OSB 1970-1989

Olen Kalkus 1989-1992

Benita Coffey, OSB 1992-1995

Virginia Wilkinson 1997-2001

2024 honorees of the â€‹

Spirit of St. Benedict Award: Our Past School Principals


​C & C Power, Inc.
Yvonne and Rupert Hall
Jenny & Nick Semaca

Silver Sponsors


Amy and Thomas Ewert
Lynne and Richard Farmer
Fe Fernandez
Eileen and Gordon Fitch
Ruth G. Lochner
Noreen Ferrari and Barbara Logue
Michael T. and Mary T. Maloney
Patricia and Michael Musto
Margaret A. Schermerhorn

Bronze Sponsors

Ellen Ahern
Anthony and Jayne Altimari
Judith Borchers
Juliana Campagna
Shanti Elangovan
Katherine Gehrke
Joseph B. Green
Patricia Heidkamp
Margaret and Daniel Henrick

Hon. Michael J. Hogan
Carole and Don Kash
Stephen and Margaret Lombardo
Jane and John LoSasso
Barbara and George Lynch
Joan Marubio
Anne Matz
Carole and John McMahon
Kathleen and Robert Murray

Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw
Rosemary and Leonard Palicki
Steven and Francine Palm
Robert and Barbara Perkaus
Daniel J. Raven and Wencke Braathen
Nancy Mahoney Timmreck
Timothy and Elizabeth Uligian
Virginia Wilkinson
Linda Zienty

Copper Sponsors

Kathleen and Robert Anderson
Charlene O'Donnell Baizer
Marilyn Izzo Ballard
Patricia Ballard
Rev. James Barrett
Paul and Suzanne Betts
Barbara Boland
Joanne Bookstein
Christine and Robert Bowen
Lynn and Benjamin Brand
Gail A. Brandt
Ellen DeVoy Burgess
Patricia and David Burt
Dr. Laurie Carrier
Ellen Castille
Ludelle R. Castro
Kathryn and Jeffrey Caudill
Kevin Chears
Cathy Chester
Susan Clark
Thomas Clark and Jean Bryan
Brian Clarke and Margaret Feit Clarke
Patricia and John J. Coffey III
Peter J. Coffey and Molly Cavanaugh
Ronald and Bernadette Colmone
Kathleen Conrardy
Rev. Daniel P. Coughlin
Patricia Cowhey
Marguerite Cusick
Dolores Deasy
Marguerite Delacoma
Barbara Donahue
Erin and Matthew Doubleday
Donald Dye
Georgianne B. Ellis
Fabry, Inc.
Rev. Thomas Franzman

Patricia Garrity

Jackie Gianneschi
Joan Gilmour
Mary Jo Green
Virginia D Hamill
Maureen Hanlon
Mary Ellen and John Healey
Patricia A. Heineman-Vernon
Dorothy and Lawrence Holmes
Lynn and Larry Hopman
Frances Hunter
Judith Janowiak
Bruce and Louise Jewett
Mary Jung
Maureen Kaucher
Joanne Kelly
Geraldine Kilsdonk
Bob Kloos
Lorraine Kottra
Paula Kowalkowski
Joan M. Lakebrink
Rev. Karl Langsdorf
Nancy Lennon
Marianne Littau and Jean O'Keefe
Cheryl Longhini
Jan Lorys and Carleen Lorys
Donna Magnuson
Daniel Maloney and Barbara Soricelli
Mary Maloney
Richard and Mary Marcheschi
Jim and Margaret Marren
Carmen Maso
Ann C Matz
Margaret McCarthy and Thomas Cramer
Kathleen McChesney
Elise and Keith McDonald

Maureen McNamara

Tamiye Meehan

James and Elaine Merkel
Pilar Meyers
Ann Miller
Terry Monahan
Colleen Moore
Claudette Mostyn
Mary Ellen and Barry Mueller
Carolyn Louise Murphy
Helen Murtaugh
Timothy J. and Janet F. Murtaugh
Kathlyn Myers
Catherine J. Nagler
Mary and Frank Nahser
Mary Nowesnick
Albina Opeka
Edward and Maryjo Osowski
Margaret Otto
Anna Pasteris
Cynthia and Benny Payne
Mary and Michael Penich, Jr.
Jessica Macias Perjes
Robert and Linda Perrie
Kurt and Anna Marie Perse
Joann B. Poplar
Barbara Quaintance and David Peterson
Jennifer Rabito
Mary Flynn Radlein
Annette and Larry Rafferty
Jeanne Rattenbury
Dr. John and Sandra Rea
Renate Reichs
Margaret Reilly
Alicia and Myron Resnick
Jerry Rhea
Joseph L. Rhodes
Kathleen and William Riordan

Patricia Ripaldi
Roberts Plumbing, Inc.
Dorothy Rosch
Holly Rumpel
Mary Ann Rushing
Jean Hellman Ryan
Mary Ryder-Marsden
Patricia Malloy Sagan
Ellen Samuelson
John Schermerhorn
Cynthia Schneider
Nicole Schoen
Carol and Stuart Schweidel
Patricia Scott
Mary Sebahar
Thomas and Mary Jo Sheridan
Jeanine M. and Dean N. Silas
Michael Solazzo
Joanne Spata
Jeanne Stanton
Martin F. and Jennifer L. Stanton
Kim Swinton
Tim Johnson Landscaping, Inc.
Denise Torrey
Anne Tremmel and Patrick Neylon
Mary and James Vandendorpe
Mary Jo Victor
Mary Lou and John Waechter
Margaret and Wayne Wagner
Katherine M. Walsh
James and Jean Welter
Jean M. Wenger
Arthur and Rosemary Whiteside
Don C. Winslow
Ellen and William Wirth
Mary and Michael Zonsius
Gina Zuercher-Lull and John Lull


Mary Jo Yunker Atkinson
Pamela J. Babler
Roberta and Craig Bieganowski
Wilma and Claude Brown
Patricia Campion
Annette Dluger
Patricia Finnegan
Thomas and Melissa Fuechtmann
Joseph and Mary Ann Godec
Mary Klug
Carol Knoerzer

Karen and Bryan LeBlanc
Denise and Daniel McLinden
Margaret Mei
Mary Paul
Kathy Statz Rees
Alice Refvik
Mary Beth Schulien
Sally Stricca
Harold and Audrey Tellefsen
Mary Willis

Thank you 27th Annual Testimonial Dinner & Awards Sponsors!

We are grateful for our 2023 sponsors!




C & C Power, Inc.




Patricia and Brian Abrams

Paul and Suzanne Betts

Edward and Carol Finnegan

Eileen and Gordon Fitch

Mary Ann Harrington

Gary and Mary Ann Kono

Ruth G. Lochner

Stephen and Margaret Lombardo

Michael T. and Mary T. Maloney

Matthew and Dorothy Miholic




Geri Bresnahan and Robert Brinkmann
Juliana Campagna
Denise Coughlin and Ralph Levy
Amy and Thomas Ewert
Katherine Gehrke
Joseph B. Green
British Infant School
Patricia Heidkamp
Hon. Michael J. Hogan
Sylvia Hourihane
Catherine and James Liggett
Jane and John LoSasso
Anne Matz
Kathleen and Robert Murray
Edward and Maryjo Osowski
Rosemary and Leonard Palicki
Daniel J. Raven and Wencke Braathen
Alicia and Myron Resnick
Linda Zienty




Dorothy Andries

Charlene O'Donnell Baizer

Patricia Ballard

Roberts Plumbing, Inc.

Joanne Bookstein

Judith Borchers

Lynn and Benjamin Brand

Paul Brimstin

Francine and Robert M. Clark

Brian Clarke and Margaret Feit Clarke

Patricia and John J. Coffey III

Maureen Cogan

Marilyn Huck Cotteleer

Peggy and Ken Cunniff

Mary M. Cunningham

Marguerite Cusick

Dennis and Daryl D'Amato

Dolores Deasy

Therese Dokman

Mary Ann Ryan Dooley

James and Kathleen Eaton

Georgianne B. Ellis

Geralyn Flanagan

Margaret Fougerousse

Patricia Garrity

Rosie Gianforte

Maureen Hanlon

Mary Ellen and John Healey

Judith Heikes

Patricia A. Heineman-Vernon

Margaret and Daniel Henrick

Dorothy Holland

Vincent and Kathleen Hotton

Judith Janowiak

Kimberly Borchers Jockl

Cynthia Johnson

Tim Johnson Landscaping, Inc.

Carole and Don Kash

Maureen Kaucher

Michael and Marian Kneafsey

Paula Kowalkowski

Gerry and Gunars Kulans

Dennis LaLiberty

Karen LaManna

Marianne Littau and Jean O'Keefe

Cheryl Longhini

Anita Maddali

Mary and Michael Maloney

James and Judith Maloney

Virginia Malter

Joseph Marren

Suzanne Maso

Anne Matz

Maureen McNamara

Mary Melone

James and Elaine Merkel

Joseph and Geraldine Mesec

Pilar Meyers

Sheila Mickus

Joanne Moore

Timothy J. and Janet F. Murtaugh

Kathlyn Myers

Catherine J. Nagler

Mary Nahser

Marilyn Oetringer

Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw

Siobhan O'Neill Meluso

Irene O'Shaughnessy

Mafalda and James Pennington

Robert and Linda Perrie

Kurt and Anna Marie Perse

Vicki Quade

Mary Ellen and John Quinn

Renate Reichs

Mary Kay Farrell Reis

Jerry Rhea

Joseph L. Rhodes

Kathleen and William Riordan

Susan Rizzato

Anthony Roback

Shirley S. Rocco

Madonna Rodgers McCutcheon

William and Audrey Rooney

Dorothy Rosch

Nancy and Walter Rudge

Jean Hellman Ryan

Mary Ryder-Marsden

Carol Santarelli

Julie and Robert Sawyer

Nancy and John Scheid

Mary Beth Schulien

Ann Schultz

Jeanne and John Schutz

Robert J. Schwendau

Patricia Scott

Jeanine M. and Dean N. Silas

Michele Smith

Mark and Donna Smith

Michael Solazzo

Joanne Spata

Christine Stickler

Elizabeth Timmins

Nancy Tomz

Timothy and Elizabeth Uligian

James and Jean Welter

Barbara Hangartner Windsor

Don C. Winslow



Mary Jo Yunker Atkinson

Pamela J. Babler

Cynthia Bachmann

Gail A. Brandt

Wilma and Claude Brown

Bjorn Eek

Benedict and Rachel Hane

Diane Huntington

Patricia Kardasz

Barbara Keeley

Carol Knoerzer

Linette Matzig

Ellen O'Reilly-Garcia

Judith Schorsch Palmer

Mary Paul

Ruth Quintanilla

Catherine and Harry Riley

Ruth and Donald Sender

Marc and Joan Sindler

Mary Sotir

Jean Mann Sweeney

Lourdes and RomeoTaan


Ad Sponsors


SSA Alumnae Board

Class of 1963

Class of 1973

Maureen Smith Cogan '60

Fabry, Inc. Pipe Organs

Sr. Virginia Jung, M.A., L.C.P.C

Late Nite Catechism, Vicki Quade

Dan Raveb Massage Therapist

Robert's Plumbing, Inc.

Smith-Corcoran Funeral Homes


Thank you 26th Annual Testimonial Dinner & Awards Sponsors!

We are grateful for our 2022 sponsors!




Jenny and Nick Semaca




Rev. Albert Adamich
Eileen and Gordon Fitch
Mary Ann Harrington
Halpin Family.
Stephen and Margaret Lombardo
Patricia and Michael Musto
Mike and Mary Maloney
Anne Matz
Margaret A. Schermerhorn
Joseph C. Zuercher, Jr. and Julie Zuercher




Denise Coughlin and Ralph Levy 
Therese Dokman
Mary Ann Ryan Dooley
Amy and Thomas Ewert
James and Kathleen Eaton
Michael J. Hogan
Carole and Don Kash
Ruth G. Lochner
Joan and Leo Marubio
Kathleen and Robert Murray
Rosemary and Leonard Palicki
Joanne Rooney
Kathleen and William Riordan
Daniel J. Raven and Wencke Braathen
Patricia L. Shaw
Timothy and Elizabeth Uligian




Janet Cullen Abowd
Alfred and Amy Avakian
Rev. James Barrett

     - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Gail A. Brandt
Charlene O'Donnell Baizer
Lynn and Benjamin Brand
Mary Beth and Michael Boland
Mary Jo and Hal W. Brewer
Joanne Bookstein
Peter J. Coffey and Molly Cavanaugh
Patricia and John J. Coffey III
Thomas V. Crowley
Peggy and Ken Cunniff
Marguerite Delacoma
Christopher Deger
Dolores Deasy
Bernadine Drasler
Dolores Deasy
Madelaine P Finn
Fabry, Inc.
Katherine Gehrke
Joseph B. Green
Rachel and John Heuman
Margaret and Daniel Henrick
Mary Ellen and John Healey
Chris and Susan Hofstad
Patricia Heidkamp
Judi Heikes
Maureen Hanlon
Patricia and James Johnson
Judith Janowiak
Joanne and Michael Kelly
Raymond and Susan Kehm
Maureen Kaucher
Paula Kowalkowski
Carole and Don Kash
Maureen Kaucher
Timothy J. and Janet F. Murtaugh
Siobhan O'Neill Meluso and Edgar Meluso
Helen Murtaugh
Carlotta Miller
Kathlyn Myers
Kathleen and Robert Murray
Madonna Rodgers McCutcheon
Maureen Garrity McCarthy
Pilar Meyers
Carmen Maso
Paul and Suzanne Betts
Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw
Edward and Maryjo Osowski
Marilyn Oetringer
Kathleen Beaulieu and James Peterson
Renate Reichs
Dorothy Rosch
Jean Ryan
Jean Ryan
Lizabeth Riggs
Mary Ryder-Marsden
Jerry Rhea
Rev. Michael Solazzo
Thomas and Gladys Smith
Ruth French Sender
Mark and Donna Smith
Elvira Steele
Nancy Sheila Simonian
Robert J. Schwendau
Joanne Spata
Anita Thies
James and Jean Welter
Iva Williams
Don C. Winslow




Britta Bolin
Pamela J. Babler
Wilma and Claude Brown
Ludelle R. Castro
Annette Dluger
Mary Ann Ginocchio
Kimberly Borchers Jockl
Tim Johnson Landscaping, Inc.
Judith Kennedy
Janice and John Mayr
Marianne Littau and Jean O'Keefe
Kathleen and Richard Pfleeger
Mary Ellen and John Quinn
Theresa Randall
Mary Beth Schulien
Robert and Katherine Sherman
Arthur and Rosemary Whiteside

Copy of 26th Annual Testimonial Spirit of Benedict Awardees Blog post cover (Instagram Pos

Difficult Decision Regarding the 26th Annual Testimonial Dinner


Dear Friends,

Looking forward with an abundance of caution, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year's Testimonial Dinner, previously scheduled for June 8, 2022, at the Park Ridge Country Club. It is with immense concern regarding the rising threat of Covid and the most recent escalation of cases, that we have come to this decision.
We are deeply disappointed that we will not have the opportunity to gather with you, our friends, and our supporters. However, we feel the health and well-being of those who mean so much to us, like you and your family, must be considered first and foremost.
The cash Raffle will still be held, on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at Noon, privately at the monastery during the Sisters’ lunchtime. This informal ceremony will be filmed and posted to our Website, for anyone to view at their convenience. Sponsors and Donors will be listed both in the next Sacro Speco and on our Website.
Those who were to be honored at this time, are very special people and each has truly helped to make the world a better place. We are most grateful to our Spirit of St. Benedict Awardee Jerome McDonnell, for sharing his time and talent to help us better understand the pressing need for conservation of our city, the Great Lakes, and the world. And through the efforts of our Monastery Green Team, the recipients of our Spirit of St. Scholastica Awards, Sisters Patricia Coughlin, Mary Melady, and Rita Nowak, we further understand and commit to the important work of caring for God’s creations.
Thank you for your most generous donation toward the care and support of our Sisters and their ministry. Given that we are canceling our event, please let us know if you would like us to return your donation. You have always been a wonderful friend to us and we would certainly understand.

With your support, together we serve the people of God, in the spirit of the Gospel. We remember you and your loved ones in our daily prayers and we give thanks for your presence in our lives.


Judith Murphy, O.S.B.

26th Annual Testimonial Spirit of Benedict Awardees Blog post cover.png

This annual fundraiser for the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago begins with a cocktail reception & silent auction, followed by dinner, dessert, and the awards presentation. We are honoring award-winning journalist, radio host, and environmental activist, Jerome McDonnell who will receive the Spirit of St. Benedict award at the Annual Dinner. 

26th Annual Testimonial Spirit of Scholastica Awardees Blog post cover (1).png

Additionally, we are very pleased to announce the Spirit of St. Scholastica Awardees who will be honored at the 26th Annual Testimonial Dinner and Awards on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, which will be held at the Park Ridge Country Club. Please join us in celebrating the "Green Team" who have worked tirelessly to ensure the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago continue to Care for God's Creation as outlined by Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si. Sisters Patricia Coughlin, Mary Melady, and Rita Nowak will be recognized for their environmental efforts and leadership for our community at this year's celebration.


We are grateful to everyone who participated in the 25th Annual Testimonial Dinner and Awards on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, at the Park Ridge Country Club.  It was a great success, thanks to everyone who prayed, donated, or attended. Enjoy photos from the 2019 evening below or see the full album on our Facebook page.



(row 1, left to right) (a) Photo of Sister Judith Murphy, OSB, and Sister Mary Melady, OSB (b) Ellen Samuelson and Sister Judith Zonsius, OSB (c) Honoree, Sister Benita Coffey, OSB with Sister Stella Akello, OSF and Honorees: Sister Patricia Crowley, OSB, Br. Michael Gosch, CSV and Fr. Corey Brost, CSV.

(row 2, left to right) (a) Members of the Schermerhorn family  (b) Maloney family table (c) SSA Chicago '69 alumnae with Sister Benita Coffey, OSB.


We are grateful for our 2019 sponsors!



C & C Power, Inc.




Jenny and Nick Semaca




Clerics of St. Viator
Patricia and Brian Abrams
Nancy P. Bryers and Jean Slifer
Rev. Daniel P. Coughlin
Carol and Jerome Crowley, Jr.
Joseph B. Green
Mary Ann Harrington
Sylvia Hourihane
Gary and Mary Ann Kono
Stephen and Margaret Lombardo
Judith Matz
Patricia and Michael Musto
Joanne and Patrick Rooney
Margaret A. Schermerhorn




Alfred and Amy Avakian
Debra Bunnell
Carole and Don Kash
Judith Knorst, Ph.D.
Ruth G. Lochner
Mary and John Madden
Joan and Leo Marubio
Paul G. Matz
Shirley Rocco
Elizabeth A. Rochford
Eileen and Alan Samuelson
Anita Thies




Matthew and Maria Ambre

Dorothy Andries

Margaret Barron

Paul and Suzanne Betts

William and Cheryl Blum

Mary Beth and Michael Boland

Joanne Bookstein

Judith Borchers

Lynn Brand

Mary Jo and Bill Brewer

Paul and Carol Brimstin

Judith Berger Byers

Brian Clarke and Margaret Feit Clarke

Peter J. Coffey and Molly Cavanaugh

Thomas and Sharon Coffey

Denise Coughlin and Ralph Levy

Patricia Cowhey and George Courtney

Christopher Deger

Leslie and D. E. Dickerson

Erin and Matthew Doubleday

Martha and Bob Drake

Betty Rose Fatur

Richard Fields

Chris Fox and Irene O'Ryan-Fox

Joan Frazier

Monique Paul  Garrity

Katherine Gehrke

Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert

Alan Hauser

Richard and Ann Heidkamp

Margaret and Daniel Henrick

Chris and Susan Hofstad

Michael J. Hogan

Loretto and Charles James

Judith Janowiak

Mary Ann Jewell

Marguerite Jung

Joseph and Mary Ellen Kadleck

Maureen Kaucher

Mary Ellen Keenan

Nancy E. and Paul W. Kelly

Philip and Gaye Kenny

Kay and John Kyle

Rev. Karl Langsdorf

Jeffrey and Mary Ann Liautaud

Marianne Littau and Jean O'Keefe

Ruth G. Lochner

Daniel Maloney and Barbara Soricelli

David and Mary Malter

Judith Matz

Maureen McNamara

Katherine McSpadden

Colleen Medeiros

Pilar Meyers

Kathleen and Bob Murray

Mary Nahser

Rita and Ronald Nemchausky

John and Angela Oldershaw

Siobhan O'Neill Meluso and Edgar Andres Meluso Duarte

Judith A. Ordonez

Rosemary Palicki

Michael and Mary Penich

Lirio and Celynia Polintan

Brigid Pope

Arlene and Richard Porter

Jeff and SusanReuscher

Michael and Therese Reynolds

Kathleen and William Riordan

Shirley S. Rocco

Madonna Rodgers McCutcheon

Beverly and Robert Rowden

Mary Ryder-Marsden

Julie and Robert Sawyer

Mary Beth Schulien

Jeanne and John Schutz

Elizabeth Servatius

Leo and Olive Sheridan

Jeanine M. and Dean N. Silas

Mickey Smith

Anne Sobba-Brohan

Rev. Michael Solazzo

Jill Sorensen

Joanne Spata

Marietta Nolan Stevens

Terry Trapp

Teresita Maso Zdunek

Marianne Zelewsky

Agnes Zielinski and Mary Richardson

Joel and Linda Zienty

Benjamin and Priscilla Zintak



Pamela J. Babler

Marilyn Izzo Ballard

Wilma and Claude Brown

Patricia Campion

Rev. Roger J. Caplis

Robert and Elizabeth Cornella

Chris Fox and Irene O'Ryan-Fox

Doris Haas

Anita Holmes

Rosanne Hugunin

Most Reverend Francis Kane

Maureen Kaucher

Eileen and Edward Kennedy

Robin M. Keyes

Bryan and Karen LeBlanc

Mary E. MacDonald

Evelyn Miks

Joanne Moore

Marie D. Mutz

Mary Nowesnick

Elizabeth and John Pinter

Gayle K. Porter

Mary Anne Quinn

Mary Ann Rushing

Robert J. Schwendau

Noranne and George Siemers

Patricia Glunz Spencer

Lourdes  and Romeo Taan

We are grateful for our 2019 auction donors!


Barbara Boland

Kathy Brady

Nancy Bryers

Helen Cameron

Chicago Bears

Chicago Cubs

Chicago White-Sox

Brian Clarke and Margaret Feit Clarke

Bill Conroy

Court Theatre

Carol and Jerome Crowley, Jr.

Mary Cunningham

Donna Dehnert

Peter Feit

Gibson's Restaurant Group

Mary Ellen and John Healey

Maureen Healy

Carole and Don Kash

Maureen Kaucher

Paula Kowalkowski

Lifeline Theatre

Catherine and James Liggett

Stephen and Margaret Lombardo

Lynfred Winery

Maureen Martin

Joan and Leo Marubio

Roberta Michaletz

Caroline Dehnert Moyer

Kathlyn Myers

Daniel J. Raven and Wencke Braathen

Renate Reichs

Rosalie Riegle

Kathleen and William Riordan

Royal Gorge Bridge & Park

Scandia Catering

John J. Shedd Aquarium

Joanne Spata

Elvira Steele

Union League Club of Chicago

Eugene and Katharin Vix

We are grateful for our 2019 ad book supporters!


Benedictine Oblates of St. Scholastica Monastery

Craig Bieganowski-Roberts Plumbing, Inc.

Bredemann Toyota in Park Ridge

C & C Power

Catholic Theological Union

Clerics of St. Viator

Fabry, Inc


Jan Kupiec, Broker Associate - SSA '74

National Decorating Service, Inc.

Daniel J. Raven and Wencke Braathon

Scheller Law LLC - Helen Scheller SSA '76

Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home






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