Sister Belinda recently spoke about religious life with students at St. Raphael Catholic School in Naperville, IL. As she shared her slideshow, the children loved one photo in particular: sisters baking cookies.

Sisters can bake? You bet! Many of our sisters love time in the kitchen--from making applesauce in the autumn to baking cakes during the winter. One of the recipes that some of our sisters enjoy is chocolate chip orange cookies. The recipe comes from Sister Belinda's mother and now Sister Belinda is happy to share it with you!
Chocolate Chip Orange Cookies (makes 3 dozen)
1. Cream together 1/2 cup butter, 3 oz. cream cheese, 1 tsp. grated orange rind.
2. Add 1/2 cup sugar, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. vanilla.
3. Beat until light and add 1 cup flour, 1/4 tsp. salt
4. Mix only until blended and add 1 small package chocolate chips.
5. Drop, flatten, and bake at 350 for almost 15 minutes on a greased cookie sheet.
Sister Belinda (above, left) thanks Mary Beth Boland (above, right), Librarian at St. Raphael Catholic School, who invited her to talk to the students during National Catholic Schools Week. Mary Beth is a relative of Sister Mary Ann O'Ryan, a member of our community.

Sister Belinda (back, right) with students at St. Raphael Catholic School in Naperville, IL.